Dear Cross-Country families,
Practices: Wednesday/ Friday mornings now at 8:10 am. for warm-up and run.
Just a reminder of some important dates for our meets:
Tuesday Oct. 1 Beckwith Park
Monday Oct. 7 Lansdowne School North Campus ** Our school is responsible for handing out ribbons to runners, providing marshals for the end “chute” (to keep runners in their finished positions), providing a few marshals along the route for guidance, as well as taking down the course at the end.
Tuesday Oct. 15 Lambrick School
Monday Oct. 21: Lambrick School
Monday Oct 28: Uvic Corner (Cedar Hill X rd. )
All races (starting with Gr. 3 girls/Gr. 3 boys, etc.) begin at 3:45 and USUALLY end by 4:30 . Parking is always an issue, so please carpool if possible.
See link for all maps of all routes:
Mme. Gabrielle ( )
Mrs. Duyndam
Mme. Walker
Track and Field
Each year, when track season begins we have many students from grades 3, 4, and 5 come out to try out for the track team. Tryouts and practices are held at lunchtime as well as after school. Our coaches are dedicated to training the children well and making sure they all have fun while training. We participate in our Zone Track meet that is usually held at the end of May and then our District Wide Finals. The Final track meet is usually held during the first week of June.
Our students do very well at both of these events as is depicted in the picture at the left. We encourage any students interested in track to come out for the team.